Unraveling the Darkness Page 5
phone started to ring again and she swallowed. It was them. It was all their fault! She felt the tears prick her eyes but she tried to swallow them away. She wouldn’t give them that satisfaction.
The phone continued to ring and although she knew it was them, she couldn’t resist not picking it up. There was after all a small percentage of chance that it was one of her relatives.
“Hello?” she said carefully.
“You stink!” came the reply and she winced. “What do you eat anyways? You smell like old soup!” And that was when she smelt something burning. The potatoes! She rushed off to the kitchen only to confirm her fears. Her mother had asked her to boil some potatoes for dinner and she had burnt them. If only she had added more water.
“What happened, Ria!” the boy asked and she stared at the phone. Why was he doing this to her? Didn’t he know that she had the biggest crush on him? She stared at the potatoes still burning in the pot and felt a burst of anger. Couldn’t she do anything right?
“It’s not my fault.” She said, closing her eyes as she switched off the stove.
“You tell me, Keith!” she almost screamed. “Do you think it’s funny, harassing me? Huh? Are you getting your kicks from this?”
“Whoa! Found your tongue, have you.” He taunted.
“Yeah, I’ve always known it was you and the dunderheads you call friends. Did you really think I hadn’t guessed?”
“Hey!” a girl said in the background and Ria smiled ruefully. Of course, he was on speakerphone with his friends.
“What do you guys think of yourself? Is this supposed to be clever? Is it really making you guys happy? I hope it is because at least something would come off this…I don’t even know what to call this!”
She threw the pot in the basin and opened a tap. “And who the hell are you to call me names? What about you Keith? Huh? You stink too, but no one ever says anything to your face. And did you tell your friends the real reason your girlfriend dumped you?”
Ria looked for a spatula and started to scratch away at the charred remains of the potatoes. “Oh wait, you didn’t really tell them that she dumped you, did you?”
“Just hang up, man!” another boy said in the background.
“Yeah Keith, hang up.” Ria said angrily and wondered why she had fallen for him in the first place. What was it about girls that made them fall for the bad guys? “You don’t really want me to tell your stupid friends the truth about you!”
“Look…” Keith started to say, but Ria just wasn’t in the mood to hear him out. She looked for the dishwashing liquid and poured it into the pot.
“No, wait…I’m the stupid one here. At least that’s what you all called me, right?”
“She’s really pissed!” the girl said.
“Yeah, Angela, I’m pissed! Do you know why?” Ria said all the while scrubbing at the pot. “It’s because you don’t know why I failed that test. My dog died. The only best friend I ever had died in my arms. Do you what it’s like to have someone you raised from a pup to just die in your arms like that and not being able to help them because you don’t have the money to go to a vet. Do you?”
Ria stopped scrubbing and swallowed as tears welled up her eyes. Poor Doby! She wiped her eyes with her sleeves and wondered if Keith and his friends were cracking up. She just wouldn’t be able to take it if they made fun of Doby.
She listened quietly and heard snickering. “You know what? All you guys can go to hell!” She switched off the phone and closed her eyes. She was shivering and clutched the basin with both hands. What had gotten into her?
Just then the doorbell rang and she felt her heart sink. It was probably her mother. As she walked towards the door she wondered if her mother would scream at her for being so careless. Even if she did, she deserved every bit of it.
“Mom!” she said as she opened the door and started to cry. “I’m so sorry!”
Her mother looked at her with wide eyes and walked inside to hug her. “What’s wrong? What’s happened?”
“I put too much detergent in the washing machine and burnt the potatoes!” she blurted out.
Her mother frowned but didn’t say anything which felt ten times worse. She stepped away from her to look towards the bathroom.
“I’m so sorry!”
Her mother managed a smile and put an arm around her. “It’s okay. Did you get the milk?”
Ria shook her head and put down the phone on the table.
“Okay, go get the milk while I start cleaning up here.”
Ria nodded, took her jacket quietly and walked out the door. As she passed by the street, she saw Keith and his friends sitting in a nearby café and talking. She wiped her cheeks and wondered if she should take another route.
She sniffed and decided not to. She walked with her head held high and glared at the people who were no more than bullies.
She saw Angela snicker and whisper something to Keith who looked remorseful. But was he really?
Ria tucked a lock of hair behind her ear as Keith turned to look at her. She blinked before turning away and wondered if she had caught a hint of guilt or shame in his eyes. Probably both, but she couldn’t care less. He and his friends would grow up to be fat and ugly and pathetic losers while she would go off to college next year and be somebody.
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Falling Illusions
There she was in all her glory. Sweet, pretty and sophisticated. Dressed in a scarlet ruffled gown she looked the epitome of royalty. Yet she showed absolutely no resemblance to the depressed girl he had seen in her dreams. He looked on as she chatted with her friends, pausing occasionally to sip from her glass.
He studied her as she smiled, laughed and tossed her dark curls aside. It was her all right and he contemplated their meeting.
“Hi, I’m Jay! I saw you in my dreams and you killed yourself. I’m here to save you!”
He smiled to himself and froze when she threw him a casual glance. He turned around to get a drink of his own and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was relieved to have finally chosen the right outfit for the costume party. The costume of prince charming was far more appropriate in such a situation and the headlines would read better: Prince charming saves damsel in distress rather than Giant rabbit saves girl way out of his league.
He quickly took a glass of water and gulped it down. He was a man without a plan. He turned around to see her and saw her making excuses to her friends.
This was it. This would probably be when she would make her way up to the terrace.
His heart beat restlessly and he put down the glass gently on a nearby table. She laughed at her friend’s joke before walking towards the staircase. Without a second thought, he followed her, pausing before she took six steps.
“Now!” he muttered to himself and went after her. He breathed deeply and realized he could smell her perfume from here. What could possibly go through such a beautiful girl’s mind to jump off the ledge?
Nevertheless, he quickened his footsteps as the girl opened the door to the terrace.
As she walked in, he waited in the shadows, counted slowly till ten and followed her.
The cold wind brushed his face and he felt a chill down his spine. The night looked young and malicious, but the girl looked even more beautiful as the breeze played with her long locks.
He tiptoed towards her and saw that she seemed to be looking at the stars.
“I know you’d come.” She said softly.
He felt his heart sink and he swallowed. “Excuse me?”
She turned around and saw that her eyes were glistening. “I knew you’d come.”
“How?” he asked and walked towards her. She put her hand up and he stopped.
He saw utter confusion on her face. “I saw you in my dreams. I’ve never seen you before, but I feel like I know you.”
He hesitated and wondered if he should introduce himself. He thought against it when she turned back towards the ledge.
Perhaps they would exchange names after he had saved her.
“I don’t think you can save me.” She said softly.
“And why is that?”
“I’m confused.” She said and he saw her hand wipe her face. “I don’t know what else to do.”
“Surely, every problem has a solution. You can always get help.” He replied and tiptoed towards her. With her back turned, he might just able to grab her before she did the unthinkable. “You’re a strong beautiful girl…”
“I’ve heard that many times from my own mother.” She said and he saw her shoulders stiffen as if she had sensed him getting closer.
“She’s right.” He said and kept his eyes glued to her back.
She turned her head and looked at him. “You can’t!” she said.
“I have no idea…”
“You can’t save me.” She cried. “At least not this time.” And the next minute she was on the ledge.
“Hey!” he screamed, but it was too late. She fell backwards and a wave of darkness passed over him. He fell down on his knees and held his forehead as excruciating pain ripped through him.
The next minute, the pain was gone. He opened his eyes to find himself downstairs at the party with a glass in his hand. He looked across to see the girl, alive and well, talking to her friends. And then she looked at him.
He swallowed and put the glass down. He nodded at the waiter and walked towards the girl who had by now turned back to her friends.
He stood right in front of her and clutched the nearby table. He was scared.
“Hi.” He said. “I’m Jay!”
The girl smiled broadly. “I know.” She said.
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She hadn’t wanted to accept it or even believe it. But the time had come and she had no more excuses. She had to do this and prove to her friends that she wasn’t a coward. With her head slightly bowed, she entered the room, trying to blend with the crowd so that she wouldn’t be noticed.
But she could still feel eyes on her. A girl who looked about six years old, was staring at her. She quickly put a hand to her face and strutted away to the other aisle. In her haste, she had almost bumped into a large man.
“Sorry.” She mumbled quickly and made her way to an empty seat. She sat down and put her purse on her lap, clutching the straps tight.
A man walked up to the podium and started to give a lengthy speech, welcoming the audience and the nominees. Her mouth suddenly felt dry and she licked her lips. A woman beside her shifted in her seat and she swallowed looking straight ahead.
Please, please don’t recognize me, she pleaded silently.
The categories were being announced and she clutched the purse straps even tighter. Her name was announced and she swallowed again. Behind her a child started to cry and her mother was gently trying to soothe her. Music started to play, and she leaned forward wondering if she had missed something.
No, only two man walking up the stage. Her heart jumped when she saw one of them holding the golden award. She started to bite on the inside of her cheek and felt her stomach clench when the nominees were announced again.
Her breath came in thick gasps and she leaned forward.
One of the men took out an envelope and adjusted his glasses. His grey hair shone in the overhead lights and his glasses gleamed for a moment. The man seemed oblivious to her anguish as he slowly pulled out the card that would reveal the winner of the award.
For a brief second, she wondered what she would do if her name was called. Did she want them to call out for her? If they did, she would have to walk in front of all these people towards the stage and then chances were pretty bright that she would trip on one of the stairs and...
“The winner of...” the man paused and even at this distance she could see him squint as he read the card.
“Just say it already.” She said through gritted teeth.
The woman next to her glanced at her, but she looked straight ahead.
The man on stage whispered to the other and then nodded quickly. “The winner of the worst blog is...”
The man revealed a name and it wasn’t hers. She felt anger bubbling in her throat as a short balding man walked up the stage wearing a faded t-shirt and torn jeans. She looked down at the newly bought dress she was wearing and the shoes she had borrowed from her sister.
She started to tear up as the winner gave a speech about how important it was to stay true and dream big.
She clenched her hands on the strap and pulled resulting in a tear in her purse. The woman beside her looked at her again. “Are you okay?”
“Stupid awards are rigged.” She wanted to say but all that came out was a whine. She got up and walked out the door, slamming it shut behind her.
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Dreams for Tomorrow
Regina walked in the door and saw the lamp still on in her living room. She glanced at the bag of groceries in her hand and sighed. Her head ached and her hands felt cold, but her legs hurt the most.
She closed the door behind her and rested her forehead on the door. A tear trickled down her face and she bit her lip hard.
“Mommy?” a voice called from behind her.
The bag dropped from her hands and she quickly wiped her cheeks. “You’re still awake.” Her voice trembled.
“I couldn’t sleep.” Pia answered, hugging her doll. “I had a tummy upset.”
Regina knelt in front of her six year old daughter and caressed her face. “Are you feeling better now?”
Pia blinked at her and nodded.
Regina touched her forehead and was relieved when it wasn’t warm. “Come on, let’s go to bed.”
“But what about the shopping bag?”
Regina turned to look at the bag and felt her heart clench. She had remembered what her daughter had wanted – a doll, chocolates and new shoes, but she was unable to afford them. She had been at the supermarket buying bread and jam when she realized she hadn’t had enough money for a big loaf of bread. And after today, she wouldn’t be able to afford even jam. -
“Mommy?” Pia asked tenderly. “You look tired, Mommy. I wish you wouldn’t have to work all the time.”
Her words stung her and she remembered the envelope sitting on her desk in the morning. She had spent the rest of her day, not eating and perusing the classifieds without much luck.
“Do you have to go early tomorrow morning?”
Regina swallowed and clasped her daughter’s hands. “I’m taking a small vacation and spend time with you. I barely get to see you nowadays.”
Pia looked at her and Regina wondered if her daughter had guessed. But when she grinned widely at her, Pia could only smile back at her.
“We could go to the amusement park. And the new toy store! There’s a new candy store that opened...Mommy, are you okay?”
Regina looked down at her daughter’s pajamas and saw a tiny hole near the hem. “Let’s go to bed.” she said getting up.
“Can’t I stay up a little longer?” Pia asked looking up at her with wide brown eyes.
Regina picked her up and hugged her. “Tomorrow is a long day. We’re going to the beach.” She said and a tear rolled down her face again. Her voice was shaky again and she tried to regain her composure. She had to be strong. For Pia she had to be strong.
She entered her room and laid her daughter on her bed. Pia looked at her enquiringly but her mind returned to the bills she had to pay for this month. She switched off the lamp and put a hesitant finger on the fan switch. It was hot and humid outside and Pia would be unable to sleep.
“Mommy? I’m a little cold. Could you turn off the fan?”
Regina turned to look at her daughter. “Are you sure?”
Pia sat up on the bed and nodded quickly.
Regina switched off the fan and started to cry again. She put her hands on her hips to steady herself and considered sending her daughter to live with her grandparents until she got back on her feet.
A sob escaped her throat and she cried softly in her hands, praying that Pia hadn’t heard her. Just then, she felt her daughter’s arms around her legs and gasped.
“Mommy, don’t cry.” Pia said. “I don’t want another doll. I don’t want candy and I don’t want to go to the park. Please don’t be mad at me.”
Regina wiped her face and took a deep breath before turning around. “I’m not mad at you, sweetie. I’m just not having a good day.”
Pia took her hand and led her to bed. She made her lie down and then lay down beside her. “You always say that tomorrow will be better.” She said softly. “Tomorrow will be better, Mommy.”
Regina looked at the ceiling in the darkness and sniffed. “Yeah, maybe. I mean, it will be. ”
Pia kissed her on her cheek and hugged her. “As long as we’re together, everything will be fine.”
Regina hugged her daughter and watched her sleep. Her heart ached for her and she wondered if she would ever be able to provide enough for her daughter. She glanced at her phone and then picked it up. She would have to do what’s best for Pia.
She turned to look at Pia sleeping peacefully beside her and put down the phone. This wasn’t the time for her to break down and give up. She would try again and again and only then, when she had failed too many times, would she send her daughter to live with her grandparents. They would be happy of course. They had always believed she wasn’t good enough for their son and they were certain that even though she had taken custody of Pia after their son’s death that she would come crawling back to them for money.
Regina got up, her anger raced through her veins and her head throbbed. No she wasn’t going to give up that easily. She could do this.
She lay back down and closed her eyes. Tomorrow was another day. Tomorrow, everything would be better.
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Truth or Dare
"Truth or Dare?" Nelly asked cheekily. Shonda sighed and tapped her fingers on the table. She resisted the urge to get up and walk out of this sleepover rather than deal with Nelly's baby games. But how could one walk out of their own home? If only she had never invited Nelly. Her friends Dana and Radha immediately asked her to make up some excuses and she had tried- heavens knew she had tried.
But that was when her Mom had found out her plans and insisted she invite Nelly and help her since she was new in town. Shonda looked at the clock and saw it was only ten.
"Why don't we watch a movie?" Shonda suggested.
Nelly made a face. "Yeah, we'll watch a good horror movie later. Preferably after Midnight. Boooooooo!"Shonda rolled her eyes.
"Come on truth or dare?" Nelly asked, jumping on the bed.
"Okay, okay. Simmer down. "Shonda said and put her pillow on her lap. "Truth."
"I wished you had asked for the dare. Because I had a good one."
"I asked for the Truth."
Nelly pursed her lips. "Hmmm. Truth. The Truth?"
Shonda looked at the clock again. It was five after Ten.
"Yeah?" Nelly smiled suddenly. "I have a real good one."
"How would you like to die?"
'What?" Nelly leaned forward and put her pillow on her lap. "Everyone has this secret wish where they hope to die in a certain way. Like drowning or a sickness or something."
Shonda backed away from