Unraveling the Darkness Page 6
her and looked at Nelly. She was grinning and her eyes looked wild. Her sandy hair looked limp and unwashed for several days, but right now even her hair was freaking her out. "Uh...not everyone thinks that way."
"Of course they do. Nobody wishes they would die in a fire for example."
"Nelly, you're freaking me out. "Shonda said and got up. "What kind of question is that."
"But...""I don't want to play this stupid game anymore!"
"Relax." Nelly said and put her hands up. "I was kidding. I'm just trying to make this sleepover more interesting. Because seriously, this has been soooo boring so far."
Shonda narrowed her eyes. "What?"
Nelly got up and walked towards her bag. "I was getting all ready to walk out of here and make some lame excuse. And then I thought, why not dare her to go and… I don't know… walk around the neighborhood barefoot so I could just make my escape from this extremely boring sleepover. I was honestly glad you didn't ask me the truth."
"Huh?" Shonda asked. "You're kidding."
"Nope. Then I decided the only way out would be for you to kick me out. It got out of hand I guess."
Shonda put her hands on her hips. "So you're not crazy?"
Nelly laughed. "You did say some of your friends were coming over. But it's kind of been a Yawnfest."
Shonda smiled at that. "I'm sorry. If you're not crazy, then I would like you to give me another chance at this."
"I’m not crazy." Nelly smiled back. "And I have nowhere to go. My parents won't be back until tomorrow."
"So what should we do to make this more interesting?"
"I have an idea."
"We've had enough truths for the evening." Shonda laughed.
"How about a good horror movie or a cheesy romantic comedy? And popcorn."
"Deal. But a cheesy rom-com. You really spooked me. That's all the horror I can handle for tonight."
Nelly laughed. "And later we could prank call your friends." Shonda stared at her and then smiled.
"Yeah, sure. They totally deserve it."
"Oh, Nothing." Shonda replied.
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The Soldier
A place called Lay Town was home to a discharged army officer whose name was Ashley. The ‘Soldier’ as he was lovingly called, walked with a limp and with the help of a walking cane after he had accidentally stepped on a land mine during the war.
Everyone adored him and loved listening to his stories at the bar every evening. Ashley was kind and loving too and had a special place in his heart for one woman. Emily worked as a barmaid and although she shared the same romantic feelings for him, she was a timid girl who dreamed about the day when Ashley would propose to her.
“What can I get you?” she asked him one evening.
Ashley gazed at her and smiled. “The usual.”
Emily waited for a bit longer, hoping like crazy he would finally ask her.
“Nothing for me.” a man said, coming up behind Ashley. It was Clark, Ashley’s best friend. He was young and handsome and Emily had often wondered if Clark had a little crush on her. He was always sweet and charming to her, but he seemed aware of Ashley’s obvious affections for her.
Emily gave him a brief nod and turned back to Ashley who was blushing slightly. As she walked away, she smiled to herself. She had never thought that such a courageous man would be so bashful towards a girl.
The weeks continued to pass by and Emily waited patiently. She was sure that one day Ashley would finally tell her that he loved her.
“It’s really cold out today.” Clark said walking into the bar.
Emily immediately straightened and peered behind him. Ashley limped towards the door, looked up at her and then headed for an empty table.
Emily frowned at him, but took out her notepad and made her way to him, when another customer stopped her.
“This is just awful.” The old man said.
“What is it, Mr. Rook?” Emily asked, distracted by the way the light shone on Ashley’s handsome face. She spotted the scar on the side of his face and wondered what it would feel like to trace her fingers on it.
“There’s been another robbery.”Mr. Rook said. “A family was killed for petty cash.
Emily instantly sucked in her breath. “What?”
“It was awful.”Mr. Rook continued. “The Sheriff is a drunk and refuses to do anything about it.”
“How could he not? He’s here to protect us.” Emily pointed out. “This is so dreadful.”
Another patron walked up behind him then. “I’ve just heard the grimmest news.” He said. “Apparently, there’s been another robbery. Mrs. Halston was killed.”-
“Oh dear!” Emily cried, putting her hands on her mouth. “She was an eighty year old woman. How could she not have been shown any mercy?”
“She had almost nothing.” Jim said. “I’ve just spoken to the Sheriff and he’s making excuses. He says that he doesn’t have enough men to conduct an investigation and catch the criminal.”
Emily felt her legs go weak and she sat down on a chair. “Whatever shall we do? If this continues, no one will ever feel safe again.”
“We will.” Ashley said limping towards him. “If the law enforcements refuse to aid us then we shall take the matters into our own hands.”
“I’m in.” Jim said. “What is the plan?”
“We plant bait.” Clark suggested. “We reel him in and catch him red-handed.”
“That’s a brilliant idea.”Mr. Rook said. “Who shall pose as bait though?”
“I will.” Clark announced. “I have no family and no one depending on me.”
“You do!” Ashley said. “You’re my family and I can’t allow you to put your life at risk. We have no idea how dangerous this dacoit may be.”
“Then who shall it be?” Jim asked. “I have a boy and girl depending on me.”
“I will do it myself.” Ashley stated. “I will rid this town of criminals.”
Everyone in the bar then started to discuss the plans and Emily watched them. This was wrong and she knew it. If anything happened to Ashley, how would she live?
The next evening, Ashley walked into an empty cottage and the town’s people helped him set up the stage. Emily stood silently, watching it all happen in the distance as various items such as urns prop jewelry and fake cash was put in the drawers. ,
As people started to walk away, Emily walked towards him, unable to help her aching heart. She saw Clark walk past her with a gun and she felt her breath being sucked away. According to the plan, once the robber got in, Ashley would try his best to subdue him, but if he failed, Clark would shoot the criminal.
“I didn’t want you to do this.” Emily told him.
Ashley looked at her in surprise. “You shouldn’t be here. He could come in at any moment.”
Emily swallowed. “I...” she couldn’t say the rest. The words twisted in her stomach and her lips trembled. But if anything happened to Ashley she would hate herself for not professing her love to him.
Ashley studied her and then hopped towards her. “Don’t say it.” he said quietly.
“I can’t help it.” she cried. “I love you Ashley and when we get out of this, you’re going to have to marry me.”
Ashley seemed stunned by her revelation or her boldness. Emily waited for him to respond and he did. He bent down and kissed her gently.
“We’ve taken our positions.” Clark said from behind him.
Ashley broke the kiss and nodded. “You must go now. Clark, lead her away.”
“Be safe.” Emily said before walking away.
Clark took her arm and led her back to the bar where everyone waited. It was at midnight when they heard the sound of shuffled footsteps.
Emily peered out the window and from the corner of her eye, saw Clark take his position by the window.
A man dressed in black, entered Ashley’s cottage and Emily sobbed. The lights were on at the cottage and so, Emily cou
ld make out the shadows as the two men scuffled.
“Help him.” She told Clark.
Clark looked as scared as she was. His eyes were however solemn. “I cannot make a mistake. I have to wait.”
“He’ll hurt him!” she wailed. Clark lifted the shot gun and took a deep breath.
“I have a shot.” he said.
“Take it.” Jim said coming up behind him. Emily watched the shadows of the men at the cottage and saw one of them fall to the floor. The other one, removed a dagger and was preparing to strike.
“He’s going to kill him!” Emily shrieked.
“How do we know it’s not Ashley?” Clark asked, a tremor in his voice. “How do we know that.”
“It’s not!” Emily said. “He’s not limping!”
Clark pressed on the trigger and gasped. Emily heard a dull click but nothing else.
“What’s happening?” she asked.
Clark pressed his finger on it again. “There are no shells in the gun.”
“What?” Emily asked. She was starting to feel faint. Right outside, she could hear Ashley yelling.
She rushed out the bar and ran towards the cottage. “No!” she screamed when she entered.
Ashley lay dead in a pool of blood and the robber lay on the other side of the room. Clark entered the cottage and stood beside her.
“Ashley killed him.” he said.
Emily stood not understanding what had happened. All she could see was Ashley lying lifeless in front of her.
Jim rushed in and inspected the robber. “It’s Mr. Rook!” he exclaimed.
Emily turned to look at Mr. Rook’s body with the dagger sticking out of his chest.
“He betrayed us.” Jim said.
“He took the gun not two hours ago. “Clark said. “He said he wanted to make sure it was fine.”
Emily fell to her knees and cried into her